Embedding Information Literacy Assessment into a First Year Experience Program

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 2010


See presentation description.

Short Description

This presentation will focus on the results of collaboration between the information literacy librarian at Washington College and the first-year experience program. The presentation will focus on how pre- and posttests were built in the college’s course management system. The presentation will also provide an overview of how built-in learning analytics were used to see how individual students did, question-by-question. Finally, future assessment measures involving the collecting of qualitative data will be discussed.


Library-first year experience collaboration, First year experience, Information literacy assessment, Information literacy

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 21st, 4:15 PM Sep 21st, 5:30 PM

Embedding Information Literacy Assessment into a First Year Experience Program

Room 2010

See presentation description.