Type of Presentation

Workshop (1 hour and 15 minutes)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 1220


See presentation description.

Short Description

Too often, students see research as fulfilling one purpose in their writing: to provide facts that back up their claims. However, recent scholarship that looks closely at professional academic writing shows that writers bring in texts for many purposes: illustrating, justifying a methodology, setting up an analytical lens, providing an exhibit to interrogate (cf. Harris, Bizup, Hillard). Through hands-on activities, workshop participants will analyze academic and public texts to identify the range of rhetorical purposes of source use. We will evaluate how source use varies across disciplines and outside the academy. The workshop provides sample assignments that faculty- librarian partners can use.


Information literacy, Scholarly writing, Academic writing

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

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Sep 21st, 10:00 AM Sep 21st, 11:30 AM

Rhetorical Research: Methods for Teaching Multiple Purposes for Texts

Room 1220

See presentation description.