Information Literacy and Access for the Blind/Visually Impaired
Type of Presentation
Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)
Target Audience
Room 217
See presentation description.
Short Description
In this presentation, attendees can expect to gain knowledge of the needs and accommodations required by the blind/visually impaired, learn methods for teaching in a universal design manner enhancing the experience for students with all types of learning styles, and observe demonstrations of technologies for the blind/visually impaired. Participants will also learn techniques for program evaluation leading to an increased level of accessibility.
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Recommended Citation
Whitesell, Melissa and Roberson, Andrea, "Information Literacy and Access for the Blind/Visually Impaired" (2011). Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 55.
Information Literacy and Access for the Blind/Visually Impaired
Room 217
See presentation description.