Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience



Room 212


See presentation description.

Short Description

Many teachers seek ways to assign library projects that will discourage WIGWAM research, defined by George (April 2009) as "Wikipedia - Internet - Google - Without Anything More." At USCA, in first year composition, students are routinely acclimated to academic databases and the expectations of scholarly citation and documentation. Additionally, all students must turn in a junior writing proficiency portfolio in which they must address our institution's defined competencies in use of sources. Sadly, many students do not fully realize the importance of analyzing sources. Instead, many students complete research papers without critical awareness of how knowledge is created, packaged, and delivered.


Information literacy, Wikipedia, Internet, Google, First-year compostition, Academic databases, Source evaluation

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 25th, 1:30 PM Sep 25th, 2:45 PM

WIGWAM Research

Room 212

See presentation description.