Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience



Room 217


Choosing the right career path and learning the steps necessary to take that path will likely be the most important independent research project your students undertake, especially in the current economic climate. The library is an invaluable resource for students who are exploring potential career paths or currently seeking employment. Unlike individual academic departments, the library is an institution-wide resource with the ability to reach students from all subject areas and education levels. Librarians are uniquely positioned to collaborate across the grain of university, college, and high school communities by offering resources to support the career search of all students, regardless of their academic backgrounds or their stages in the career research process. The career search provides an excellent opportunity to teach research methods in an engaging and meaningful way to students, and it creates a viable platform for establishing collaborative partnerships with departments on college and university campuses and with area high schools.

Short Description

Deciding on a career path and discovering how to follow that path may be the most important research project your students will ever tackle. This panel sees the career search as a unique opportunity to teach research skills in a meaningful context and to effectively collaborate both interdepartmentally within the college or university campus and beyond the campus setting to support area high school students transitioning into the academic environment. Useful library resources to support career research will also be discussed.


Information literacy, Career choice, Research skills, Library resources, Career research

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 26th, 9:45 AM Sep 26th, 10:45 AM

Cultivating Career Literacy: Facilitating the Most Important Research Project Your Students Will Ever Face

Room 217

Choosing the right career path and learning the steps necessary to take that path will likely be the most important independent research project your students undertake, especially in the current economic climate. The library is an invaluable resource for students who are exploring potential career paths or currently seeking employment. Unlike individual academic departments, the library is an institution-wide resource with the ability to reach students from all subject areas and education levels. Librarians are uniquely positioned to collaborate across the grain of university, college, and high school communities by offering resources to support the career search of all students, regardless of their academic backgrounds or their stages in the career research process. The career search provides an excellent opportunity to teach research methods in an engaging and meaningful way to students, and it creates a viable platform for establishing collaborative partnerships with departments on college and university campuses and with area high schools.