Term of Award

Spring 2022

Degree Name

Master of Arts in English (M.A.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Literature

Committee Chair

Carol Jamison

Committee Member 1

Amanda Konkle

Committee Member 2

Grant Gearhart


The Hero’s Journey, according to Joseph Campbell, is an archetypal story pattern that is deeply rooted within the Arthurian literature of the Middle Ages. This timeless story structure has captivated audiences for thousands of years, which explains why the same structure repeats through different genres in different contexts. What Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey model does not address is the motif of the heroine’s journey. In discussions of female characters in male-centered hero’s journeys, one controversial issue is how these female characters are commonly disregarded as unimportant and stereotypically passive characters. Maureen Murdock wrote The Heroine’s Journey: Woman’s Quest for Wholeness in response to Joseph Campbell’s model in order to create an inclusive feminine journey for contemporary women. Ultimately, in this thesis, I argue that the Star Wars sequel trilogy is Le Morte D’Arthur reimagined with a female point of view hero’s journey. The hero’s journey quest is flipped within the Star Wars sequel trilogy franchise because Rey is presented as the protagonist on a quest while receiving advice from a male mentor, and Kylo Ren represents Perceval’s sister’s position within Perceval’s quest. Kylo and Perceval’s sister are both an integral part of their respective protagonists’ quests, but each character’s arc is concluded when they sacrifice themselves for the protagonist to succeed in their journey. The comparison between Arthurian Tales and Star Wars is fluid and ever-changing as the Star Wars franchise continues to grow.

Research Data and Supplementary Material

