Term of Award

Fall 2019

Degree Name

Master of Science, Civil Engineering

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Civil Engineering and Construction

Committee Chair

Junan Shen

Committee Member 1

Xiaomiang Yang

Committee Member 2

Roger Purcell


Salt was first used in the United States to deice roads in 1941. Granular and solutions of deicers were the most used materials to weaken the bonding between snow and asphalt pavement from the beginning. However, these deicers have a detrimental impact on asphalt and concrete. Many pieces of research accomplished to find out the effect of deicers on concrete materials, and most of them concluded that deicers harm concrete. However, a few pieces of research investigated the detrimental effects on asphalt binders and aggregates. Therefore, asphalt binder specimens were made in a specific shape and drenched in sodium chloride and calcium chloride for different time durations and concentrations for tests. They were subsequently compared to the control asphalt binder to measure the quantitative difference between them. The test results showed that the rutting resistance decreased due to soaking the samples after one day and bump a little extent after 28 days, but not exceed the control. The carbonyl and sulfoxide index increased after sinking indicates the acceleration of oxidation of bitumen. The bee-like structures and dispersed phase in bitumen samples augmented in comparison to the control samples, which indicated stimulation of the aging process. The decreasing pattern of the rutting indexes proved that salt has a detrimental impact on asphalt binders.

OCLC Number


Research Data and Supplementary Material

