Critical Analysis of Parental Involvement in School: Working with Families Across Sociocultural Contexts
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Critical Analysis of Parental Involvement in School presents in-depth explorations of parental involvement within culturally distinct contexts. As teachers and leaders sense the impact of today’s social and political tensions in their schools, new guidance is needed to help them make decisions, solve problems, clarify interventions, and resolve conflict with their students’ families as they mutually pursue the well-being of diverse students. This edited volume examines parents’ culturally situated goals and values, communication and rearing styles, academic involvement, and other social-psychological factors across identities at the intersection of race, gender, class, and beyond. Each chapter addresses the complexities of a unique demographic context, innovative approaches toward inclusion, methodologies helpful to the study of parental involvement, new trends and directions in family-school partnerships, and more.
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Georgia Southern University faculty member, Meca Williams-Johnson and Nicolette P. Rickert co-edited Critical Analysis of Parental Involvement in School: Working with Families Across Sociocultural Contexts.