The Flipped Classroom Method: Exploration of Nurse Educators’ Perspectives Using Q Methodology




Research Project / Learning Theories and Pedagogy


Poster Presentation: Discuss the use of a research method called Q-methodology. There are 5 steps involved in conducting a Q-method research study which will be described s as well as how Q-methodology will be used to conduct research on the Flipped Classroom Method.

Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to use Q methodology to examine whether pedagogical beliefs, beliefs about self-efficacy, and the capacity to change are influencing nurse educator’s response to and use of the flipped classroom method in a pre-licensure nursing education.

Method: Q methodology consists of both qualitative and quantitative research characteristics and can be considered a mixed-method design. Q methodology begins with the creation of Q statements taken from interviews conducted with domain experts. Participants for this study will be obtained through snowball sampling. Using a Q sort, participant will then be asked to rank order the Q statements related to the flipped classroom, beliefs about the learner, and beliefs about their self-efficacy as an educator. Once data is collect using the Q sort, correlations and factor analysis will occur using PQmethod software. Lastly, the results of factor analysis will be used to identify themes and descriptions related to the nurse educator’s perspectives of the flipped classroom method.

Results: Pending

Implication of Study: Nurse Educators need to determine how best to utilize the flipped classroom method in order that they effectively prepare nursing students for the transition from classroom to practice. The information gathered from this study will help identify instructional practices and tailor faculty development related to integrating the flipped classroom method into pre-licensure nursing education programs.

Session Format

Student Voices in SoTL


Room 210


Mar 31st, 3:00 PM Mar 31st, 3:45 PM

The Flipped Classroom Method: Exploration of Nurse Educators’ Perspectives Using Q Methodology

Room 210

Poster Presentation: Discuss the use of a research method called Q-methodology. There are 5 steps involved in conducting a Q-method research study which will be described s as well as how Q-methodology will be used to conduct research on the Flipped Classroom Method.

Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to use Q methodology to examine whether pedagogical beliefs, beliefs about self-efficacy, and the capacity to change are influencing nurse educator’s response to and use of the flipped classroom method in a pre-licensure nursing education.

Method: Q methodology consists of both qualitative and quantitative research characteristics and can be considered a mixed-method design. Q methodology begins with the creation of Q statements taken from interviews conducted with domain experts. Participants for this study will be obtained through snowball sampling. Using a Q sort, participant will then be asked to rank order the Q statements related to the flipped classroom, beliefs about the learner, and beliefs about their self-efficacy as an educator. Once data is collect using the Q sort, correlations and factor analysis will occur using PQmethod software. Lastly, the results of factor analysis will be used to identify themes and descriptions related to the nurse educator’s perspectives of the flipped classroom method.

Results: Pending

Implication of Study: Nurse Educators need to determine how best to utilize the flipped classroom method in order that they effectively prepare nursing students for the transition from classroom to practice. The information gathered from this study will help identify instructional practices and tailor faculty development related to integrating the flipped classroom method into pre-licensure nursing education programs.