Rambassadors: Making Student Leadership the Cornerstone of PBIS Success


Poster Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Newton High School

Second Presenter's Institution

Newton High School

Third Presenter's Institution

Newton High School

Fourth Presenter's Institution


Fifth Presenter's Institution



Harborside East & West

Strand #1

Academic Achievement & School Leadership


Academic Achievement and Leadership:RAMbassadorS are students from various academic and behavior backgrounds. who use this leadership opportunity extending model behavior into all aspects of student life including home and community.

Brief Program Description

RAMbassadorS are students from various academic and behavior backgrounds. who use this leadership opportunity extending model behavior into all aspects of student life including home and community.


The goal of this presentation is to share the impact of a successful PBIS student advisory organization. The RAMbassadorS are trained to serve the school and welcome the community with pride and excellence. An emphasis is placed on extending model behavior into all aspects of student life including home and community. Presenters will give an in-depth explanation of the development of their program to include:

    1. We are RAMS: the history of PBIS at Newton High School and how it influences school culture.
    2. RAMbassadorS: Modeling the Ideal RAMS; using students to exemplify school expectations of success focusing on the following characteristics: mindset, service, and appearance
    3. Laying the groundwork: Preparing student leaders for service from application process to active duty

This training may provide guidance for parents who want to promote responsibility and accountability as their children prepare for the workforce and further educational opportunities.


A number of initial studies have illustrated that school-wide behavior supports decrease problem behavior, increase time spent in academic instruction, and are associated with improved academic outcomes. The use of RAMbassadorS serves as a peer to peer role modeling in order to decrease those problem behaviors.

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Beverly Johnson began her teaching career in 2008 as a Special Educator, she now serves as a Business Education teacher and PBIS Coach. She also serves as the student advisor for FBLA.

Mr. Steven Bullard has served as a Social Studies teacher since 2014. He is also currently teaching a class focusing on student leadership within the community. His roles on the PBIS Team are the Communications Liaison and RAMbassadorS Cordinator.

Ms. Lawonda Hill is a English Teacher and serves the PBIS Team Leader.

Keyword Descriptors

Student Leadership, Academic, Achievement, Positive, Behavior, Student Organization

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-7-2017 4:00 PM

End Date

3-7-2017 5:30 PM

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Mar 7th, 4:00 PM Mar 7th, 5:30 PM

Rambassadors: Making Student Leadership the Cornerstone of PBIS Success

Harborside East & West

RAMbassadorS are students from various academic and behavior backgrounds. who use this leadership opportunity extending model behavior into all aspects of student life including home and community.