Writing across the Curriculum and Bridging Educational Levels: A University-High School Collaboration

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience



Room 217


See presentation description.

Presentation Description

In this presentation we will discuss a collaboration between the Troy University-Dothan Library and an English class at Sparkman Ninth Grade School that occurred during the 2008-2009 academic year. Students were shown a collection of postcards and letters from World War I that were digitally preserved by Troy Universtiy-Dothan's archives. The letters were received by a young woman in rural Alabama who was being courted by two different men serving in World War I. Students were also given a history lesson on America's role in World War I, and the impact the war had on Americans both in the battlefield and on the homefront. Writing prompts were then provided (narrative, expository, or persuasive) in preparation for the tenth grade Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing (ADAW). The ADAW is a timed writing exam, and students wrote essays in which they responded to prompts. Essays were graded on a four point scale identical to the ADAW rubric. This project demonstrates the strong symbiotic nature that can be developed between universities and schools at the K-12 level. It also demonstrates the positive impact collaborations across the curriculum can have on students, in this case fostering not only a knowledge of history, but developing writing skills at the same time.


Information literacy, University-secondary education collaboration, Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing (ADAW), Cross-curricular lesson plans, Writing skills

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 25th, 11:30 AM Sep 25th, 12:30 PM

Writing across the Curriculum and Bridging Educational Levels: A University-High School Collaboration

Room 217

See presentation description.