Term of Award

Spring 2004

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mathematics

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Mathematics

Committee Chair

Charles W. Champ

Committee Member 1

Broderick O. Oluyede

Committee Member 2

Patricia B. Humphrey


Normal and half-normal probability plots are often used in analyzing unreplicated two level factorial and fractional factorial designs. Typically no objective method is used with these plots for assessing if a plotted point is associated with a nonzero effect. Firstly, we provide an analysis of the plotting positions used in constructing these plots. Based on the results of our study, we recommend a set of plotting positions to be used with the normal probability plot. We also suggest that these results would apply to half-normal plots and recommend a set of plotting positions to be used with this plot. Secondly, we give a method for selecting critical values so the plot can be used to objectively assess which effects, if any, are nonzero. Some examples are given illustrating the use of our method.


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