Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Kinesiology with an Emphasis in Sport Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Public Health

Committee Chair

A. Barry Joyner

Committee Member 1

Chris B. Geyerman

Committee Member 2

Kevin L. Burke

Committee Member 3

A. Drew Zwald


This study investigated the relationship between female athletes and head coaches' perceived communication competence. Participants were members ofNCAA Division I institutions in the southeastern United States. Female athletes (n=134) and head coaches (n=13) from two institutions completed questionnaires. Perceptions ofcoaches and athletes were examined to determine if gender differences existed in the measured domains. Results indicated that coaches perceived themselves as communicatively competent, while athletes' perceptions were positive, but not as strong. There was a significant relationship (p<.05) between the sending and receiving domains of the Communicative Competence Questionnaire (Monge et. al., 1981) and the positive and negative conflict domains ofthe Scale for Effective Communication in Sports Teams (Sullivan, 2000). The findings of this study suggested that effective head coach communication is not based on gender, but on the perceived communicative competence of the individual. Significant correlations were also present for several dimensions ofthe ICCS and CCQ. Immediacy, social relaxation, empathy and expressiveness were the dimensions in which head coaches viewed themselves most competent. Significant correlations were also present for several dimensions ofthe ICCS and CCQ. Immediacy, social relaxation, empathy and expressiveness were the dimensions in which head coaches viewed themselves most competent.


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