Term of Award

Summer 2017

Degree Name

Doctor of Public Health in Community Health Behavior and Education (Dr.P.H.)

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health

Committee Chair

Levi Ross

Committee Member 1

Yelena Tarasenko

Committee Member 2

Ashley Walker


With over 20 million students in US colleges and universities, the close networks of students increase the risk of colleges becoming an epicenter of seasonal influenza outbreak. Seasonal influenza vaccine coverage among college students is less than optimal. Receipt of the annual seasonal flu vaccine has been the primary evidence-based strategy for virus prevention and control over the past 60 years. The decision to vaccinate is based on a variety of influences that are complex and context specific. The decision to forgo or delay vaccine obtainment, despite wide availability, is referred to as vaccine hesitancy. Using the vaccine hesitancy matrix, developed by the World Health Organization, this dissertation research examined seasonal influenza vaccine uptake among students attending a public university in rural southeast Georgia.

Using a cross-sectional research design, this longitudinal study examined receipt of seasonal flu vaccine and variables within the vaccine hesitancy matrix domains. During 2013-2015, 265 students completed an online self-administered survey. Results from bivariate analyses indicated association between individual and group influences and vaccination uptake (p

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Research Data and Supplementary Material

