Term of Award

Spring 2014

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Ph.D.)

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (open access)


Department of Marketing and Logistics

Committee Chair

Karl B. Manrodt

Committee Member 1

Christopher A. Boone

Committee Member 2

Monique L. Ueltschy Murfield

Committee Member 3

Paige S. Rutner

Committee Member 3 Email



The current approach to operationalizing supply chain management relies on the premise that there are stages in which an organization extends internal integration to external integration by means of implementing integrative mechanisms. Although important developments have been made in identifying the common antecedents and practices for achieving internal integration and external integration, complex relational behaviors as well as integration barriers that occur within an organization, and their solutions, are the next phase to understand and integrate supply chains. Accordingly, given the internal-to-external implementation approach to supply chain integration, this dissertation examines the Social Identity construct, organizational identification, as a source of relational supply chain integration barriers that originates within an organization and evaluates supply chain orientation as a solution that will mitigate this source of relational barriers.

This dissertation involves a survey approach and structural equation modeling procedures to test three theoretically grounded hypotheses: (H1) Achieved internal integration has a positive effect on organizational identification; (H2) Organizational identification has a negative effect on achieving supplier integration; and (H3) Supply chain orientation mitigates the negative effect that organizational identification has on achieved suppler integration (i.e., negatively moderates). Specifically, partial least squares structural equation modeling is the main analysis technique to test the hypotheses while post hoc analysis entails covariance based structural equation modeling.

The hypothesis tests suggest that achieved internal integration increases the tendency of organizational identification; organizations perceive supplier integration as a condition that will benefit an organization; and organizational identification and supply chain orientation are discrete phenomena that occur within an organization that yield a significant positive effect on achieved supplier integration. Lastly, the post hoc analysis indicates organizational identification partially mediates the positive effect achieved internal integration has on achieved supplier integration.

Although this dissertation sought out to identify a source of relational behavioral barriers of supply chain integration that originates within an organization and then to offer a solution that mitigates the source of the relational behavioral barriers of supply chain integration, the primary academic and managerial contributions of this research is identifying two discrete phenomena that benefit the organization as well as facilitates supply chain integration.
