Term of Award

Spring 2014

Degree Name

Master of Science in Kinesiology (M.S.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Copyright Statement / License for Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Department of Health and Kinesiology

Committee Chair

Amy-Jo Riggs

Committee Member 1

Kristina Kendall

Committee Member 2

Brandonn Harris

Committee Member 3

Stephen Rossi

Committee Member 3 Email



Most research dealing with hydration focuses on endurance athletes but recent studies have shown that soccer players can suffer from dehydration similar to endurance athletes. Many athletes arrive to practice and/or games in a dehydrated state, so once competition begins they become more dehydrated, even with regular water breaks. Losing 2% or more body weight can result in decreased performance and increased heart rate. Purpose: To compare the effects of low and high sodium beverage with CHO in hydrated collegiate soccer players on performance, ad libitum water intake, and perceived thirst. 13 male soccer players (18-22 years old) from a Southeast University volunteered for this study. All participants had previous experience with the testing protocols and agreed to follow procedures. After baseline data collection, participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups to determine supplement order (Group 1: a. CHO b. CHO + GuBrew c. Placebo, Group 2: CHO + GuBrew b. Placebo c. CHO, Group 3: a. Placebo b. CHO c. CHO + GuBrew). Participants arrived in a hydrated state (USG < 1.030), consumed their supplement in 20 minutes, completed soccer practice, had USG tested, rated perceived thirst, and completed vertical jumps and shuttle runs. Participants drank throughout and the amount was recorded. No significant difference was found in vertical jump performance (p= .585), shuttle run performance (p= .481), perceived thirst (p= .510), specific gravity (p= .441), or ad libitum water intake (p= .054) following ingestion of either supplement. Pre-practice/pre-game hydration is important, especially in a fast paced game like soccer. More research with a larger sample size needs to be done to determine the effects of hydration on performance in soccer players.
